Saturday, September 12, 2009


How much water can someone drink? No one knows, do they? My point is there are many unknowns throughout life. Why even is life in existence? Through time, we will figure it out somehow. Then I ask why there are so many wars in the world. There is not enough trust.

Trust in yourself, that is the easy part. But trusting others, now there’s a difficult path to cross. How come the trust is so fragile between adults, when with children it is so magnificently huge? It takes more than one to build a house does it not? Although it does take more than one to build a house, it takes more than one to make it home.

What if home was just an illusion though, and the deeper you go the more interesting the ride becomes. It is in essence like reading a book to a child or even seeing a movie. If the title won’t interest you, you do not just toss it, you research it and maybe you will find it of some interest.
However what would happen if the more and more research you did the more problems you would get. Then you will let others know. Then if you and others cannot figure it out, what would happen to the problem. It would probably dissipate in the minutia of life. What if a problem was so complex that you alone could solve it, however no one asked your opinion.
That would be unfortunate right. It will be a real shame to live a life where no one took you seriously until almost the end of your life. Understanding, if anything is, the essence of life.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Attraction and Freewill

Be them laws or rules does not matter, both need to be followed as well as excepted plus accepted. Life is always magnificent; the value sometimes changes in the expression, but give it time and it will clear.Life is always of great value no matter how we view it; as well as how others view it as long as we share our adventures, as much as possible.

Life is not bounded by anything. However it can be affected; by understanding, but we have to understand that it should be fun for the person living it if not by a group. We are all people, after all, and we want to achieve knowledge.

We all have to be focus, if not the unknown might occur. But if we have enough trust we can relax easier. If we mistrust we do not, almost ever relax. Confusing as it may be all rules or laws work together. It's trust that may be one of the most important rules, may be approved or not, by the public thought.

More and more, we live and find these rules but as long as we're entertained, as well we shall, survive.Memory is important but pros and cons are important as well. Making a choice is always important, but it is always important, to make that. Lifes adventures are all extremely important. However views may change constantly.You cannot ever satisfy everyone at all. Distraction is all the more important.

It is gaining levels of value. You just have to understand. Sometimes this level changes in seeing or in making the truth come through to existence.Agreement is essential as well as everything. Only to a certain extent though, if that could be possible. Life is above all confusing however it is all important on different levels, as long as the meaning is great.

Still in order good , craziness leads to problems, let hope in whatever you believe. You must have great belief in yourself as well as other..the main point have this by you no matter what an get attention if you have any questions?


Forgiveness is good but it gets higher when more people practice it.

Perceptively being forgiven is good. However it is better if there where were groups practicing it. Forgiveness being a contagion is possibly the best.

However forgiveness is such a important aspect that it has to be practiced globally.

However what if you felt this way on an individual level. If there was a problem internally with anything, that in itself will be difficult any group to handle, that is how we all feel on a global level.

Being good perceptual is one thing, it goes deeper than that. If that would be the case, then the whole world would be OK.

However what if there was a deeper problem, originally.

Being Punctual

Which do you want being punctual or relaxing in sleep as well as play? This question unlike many, and is more haunting then most always and forever?

The answer could mean more; then you know to you, as well as the people, or living entities, close to you. Look at any living orifice, and ask yourself that if you are not sure. It takes time to realize this truth, but it has great value in all.

If you have a question ask freely and accept the answer, even if it doesn't make 100 percent total sense, just listen then to the sounds of the voice you hear and do not get distracted.

Believe that they are not trying to persuade you because they are not. Even if they are, does it matter? The time is yours after all; you can spend it however you like.

You could spend it imagining new ideas or not. Nothing matters but the present. You will get to all you deem necessary in life, whenever you choose. If you do not, it was not of value to you.


Different brains differ in extraordinary ways. We don't know all the answers though. That is the point of living. Identity is the point of all life. Rescuing is a point of identity.

Belief in all life is the point of all existence. Mistakes are necessary in all life, no matter what.

Without mistakes we will have no need for anything else. They help us more then they hurt us. You just can learn an exuberant amount by making mistakes rather than not.

We have not got a clue what the brain does or how this thing called life is, however we do think we know that life is like exist but grander.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

True Friends

True Friends are so hard to come by, so rare, so special. They all have their down falls, however through it all, there are so attuned to each other it is marvelous to be in their company. You look forward to getting out of bed and seeing their smiling face.

Even if you talk to them from time to time, and share you smiles with them. You should always stay in contact no matter what you do with your life.

For if you don’t and go astray, your ideas will not connect. You will end up not losing only a friend, even worse a companion in this race. For it is labeled the human race for some other reason than that we all share our humanity, as a commonality, but so much more.

Who will find the reason first? Does it really matter? Of course it does not correct. Then, why may I ask are we fighting so? For respect, land, or power, is that clear enough? I sure hope it is.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


A smile is as good as gold. However when it is shared it is contagious. Laughter is better than anything when shared.

The world has got to philosophically serious to show the people that simply laughter can solve any problems more than anything. It is so powerful that if not spread or shared problems will occur.

Laughter is getting so vital it is becoming so bad that stupidity is getting more attention than anything else. Come on, just laugh, I dare you. Laugh at all you problem. If they do not go away, than you, really have a serious issue to resolve.

No one laughing makes a problem, no matter how insignificant worse.
Communicational speaking, it only get worse if you are not amused at times.
But that in it of itself, you have to spread the laughter then you get the full effect.

All work and no play will have a worldly effect, rather than an individually seen effect. It's just the simplicity of it all, which always astounds me. No explanation can make me frown in my life at all, even the biggest transition level of all the possibilities of all.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Laws, rules, ideals. There is time for all. If we are organized we all could through all.

It is so confusing, but we have to make the best of it, so organization is necessary as well as trust is important and also we have to express all as well as other forms.

The understanding as well as confusion is necessary as well as temporal phenomenon is relevant. My point is time. Is confusing is it and all.

However relevant it is not always appropriate. So what's the hurry in answering that question.

Knowledge is the point of all this confusion. Historically proven it may be chaotic, but its a rule that has worked in the past.

So just express yourself somehow. Follow your belief in the proper information and all, that's the point of living. To try new things always, express somehow so you ideals could make it

Technological Ideas

Attracted to technological ideas more then anything else, for ideas are good and technologies good, but explanation is better, however sleep sometimes which is necessary takes precedence.

I'm explaining human condition is what it means to be human. We are all so confused, but of what? Ideas I'm not sure, pain?

How to express ideas.

It's like someone is so confused but has no idea why? They can express some but not all of their ideas at once.

At the same time a stop watch is going and they have no idea how to express that either.The longer they have the more ideas they have, but the ideas are not and/or will not stop.

It is very much like a computer. You do not know how to do one thing, but know how to solve it, however you are not sure it is the best way to solve it. But what you set out to solve has a temporary bandage on it.

At the same time as that the adhesive is getting thin the problem get more worse.

It is really getting overwhelming you do not know where to turn. However you end up solving it because your belief formed. But you are not sure still, if your belief will cover the problem. However you still want to solve the problem, you just need a specific tool and a person to guide you through and believe that it will work.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Eye are mirrors not only to the soul although it can change from time to time. However, true it is the level can change, if you believe in miraculous things.

Some people can change, if given the chance; faster then others, although there are more then a couple changes, we all do at one time or another. Belief, and even hope may be of great necessary value in this.

For sight is possible wherever we are and in all we do, instinct is necessary more then you know. Knowledge is also present in our knowing of everything as well as trust.

Sight being the most relevant sense now, as well as always, that leads to a great mess of problems. Ask your questions however also think real well.

This may all seem out of the ordinary. Belief is necessary to prove this as anything. Belief is mandatory in all that we do. For belief is all and will bring everything, slowly but it will.


Communication is getting a little harder to achieve. Think for yourself and allow others to do the same. Except you just have to believe. You know action are important. However some are not taken as importantly as they should be. This makes people mad because repression of memories are available. There are many different ways to let out this repression. Writing is one of the best ways to let it all out.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Communication or Structure

Which is more important, communication or (forming) structures? Depends on our attitudes or ideals. Or something... But or think. Structures are seen as important as other thing, as well as, communication or community. My point is it is unknown and it is always going to be unless, we stop, see, and listen, as well as using other senses, but we have to trust as well as believe, correct.?.

Now it's all extremely confusing however explanation is also relevant if one does not understand? But what do we ask about first...That not simple either. But it is important, still, to ask. As well as to feel comfortable? However in what? In all but the question, correct?
Be kind, no ones watching.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Why are we so concerned with our appearance? We should be more concerned about
our life quality than how we look.

Attraction is basiccally used for finding a mate, successfully. Every sence we
have is used in attraction of the mate. This has so much success, because of the fact, that we let it. However, it may

Monday, August 10, 2009

Show Me the Meaning of Being Alive

Show Me the Meaning of Being Alive

I always thought the meaning of life was to be loved and to be guided by people
loved and respected you. I don't know if I have issues that are uncommon, but
then why am I so scared as well as depressed at the same time.

Can someone help me? Answer this for me, how can I show love to everyone and no
one can show any to me. How can someone survive without that same impact of

Simple Life

We are much more like animals then we realize. We are all so frustrated with
life. We are sometimes behaving like children when they are frustrated. It's OK. Just calm down.

We all are adults here right. We should be behaving like adults all the time. So I ask you, what do adults do to children that misbehave?

They put them in time out. But what happens when the child gets to old for time out and still misbehaves, they are out on the street, right?

Then they come back when they realize the error of their ways or do not, correct. However, what if you had a child that was so screwed up, because of some mysterious accident, that was his parents fault, who dealt with it as
seriously as they could at that time, but over time it got worse, so bad that one day they couldn't handle it? Each one of them trying to get rid of the child who was now over the age of twenty, and could not yet fit in anywhere, until one day he met another boy who he thought understood him and did understand him to the best of his ability, but did not realize that until it was almost too late.

When this realization did occur, he was ecstatic and for that boy who always misbehaved, well he was so thrilled, he believed that anything was possible.

If he ever asked for help or even to do something it was always, "...not now,
not now...". But with the boy who did understand, it was always the opposite,
like, "When?". So the boy learned from his new friend that he would never have to take no for an answer again, to stand up for his beliefs and to be

The boy's dreams could be met but only if he believed he could accomplish
anything he wanted because he always could you know but those dreames were
always crushed.

As I am your teacher, you can as well if you only believe you can. Remember, his faith of a child is priceless; however it takes the knowledge of some adults to see it through. Will you be one of those chosen few to be as lucky.

Life is difficult

Life is so difficult, right; why make it more difficult, that is ignorant right. We all have our secrets and have to keep them as such, correct, why? Privacy, correct. But what if you were so important, you do not have privacy. You would go in sane. If you had so much power and could not get stress relief that is acceptable, you would turn to unacceptable means to get your stress out. The only problem is everyone is always watching today, especially today with the power of technology. No one could have secrets. This is a two fold issue.


People make judgments all the time. Even making judgments when they aren't aware of making a judgment they are making one. You probably made a judgment right there, which I am talking about some fictional place. Well I am not. I am talking about everyone including you the reader. So just go with your judgment and put this down. But if you do you'll be missing the best part, still there, just making sure, anyway the best part in my opinion is when you learn something by the end.


We all have and need gas to survive. Everything does, automobiles need gas to
go. But what if human needed gas more then they thought. What if gas wasn't a
nucence but a necessity for all life? Everything living has an excess of gas
that they let out some way. In the animal kingdom the different sence mean
different things. We all know that is true because scientist have proved that a
while ago. However there are people among us who can smell differently and find
out what happened by the gas that they smell. Different people can smell death
being present in houses as well as other such phenomenon.


Control is necessary. At least a little control is necessary. You have to at
least control yourself. Never lose control of yourself. If you are always in
control of yourself you will not have that many issues. Stay calm and believe
your life does make sense and it will always be life you are proud to live.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Day Never Seems As Bad

We now have people who predict weather and the like and their say is usually
right, or is it? You can always produce your own external and internal weather

This may be difficult but it is always done. Every interaction on every single
day; can change the way you perceive you reality. The same way that every gust
of wind is capable of changing the weather pattern.

Your mood can also change by the colors you wear as well as where you wear them.
It can also change from your location. Not to mention that the words you use
powerfully reciprocates your mood as well as other attributes of your day.

So I guess, what I am saying is the following: You shouldn't take predictions of
outcomes as seriously as you do, or at least stay open to new opportunities.
Opportunities are presented when they see fit, in the time that is right for
them to flourish. Existence has very few deadlines. We only create them out of
fear of boredom. The humorous thing about this is that we make them all up
ourselves. So just have fun with it and live in the moment, for it can last as
long or as short as it lasts. As long as there is interest there, it will

Program Levels

Levels of progress are very humorous. They are always in existence throughout.
This happens in an instantaneous moment, or it may take longer if chosen.

Subconsciously we choose everything that has happened or we have or have not
received. Our subconscious may even connect us to all life. If this is the case,
we are family with all life in existence.

There are levels in everything. Existence is a great mysterious ride of all that
make life up and also makes existence so great, that you can not even wait to
wake up.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


We need help, believe it or not. We all do. Despite what we think, however it
may be more difficult than just admitting it, you have to find suitable help for your needs.

The first step is to believe that you need. Then help is coming, it may not be the help you thought you needed.

At least you have a place to start. No matter if you believe you need that kind of help; it is important that you see it through. Life is full of obstacles; the more help you have the better you will live.

Living is somewhat dependent on help. From the smack on your back as a baby, which leads to the addictive cycle of helping others, help themselves?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Smile for Non Violence

A smile is the first and most important accomplishment. To achieve, maintain, and retain relations of good will a smile is a significant characteristic. These relations of peaceful intent encourage others as well as ourselves to make no room for what is believed to be evil intentions. If there happens to be disagreements in attitude it is best to handle them with communication rather than force.

Good will multiplies as it spreads. it multiplies quicker depending on the dosage we start with. However the strength of the thought does not matter. It eventually succeeds in the mission it set out for as well as others.

Friday, July 31, 2009


How vital is it!? Its important enough to be worked on throughout life. It is a skill like any other which requires practice otherwise it is lost.

Communication is a gift and should be treated as such. It can relax all of our conflicts no matter how grandiose they can seem. It may take a while and could be misleading to communicate, but as long as we believe in our selves as well as trust ourselves as well as others it shall work.

There are many different forms of communication. Writing, in which I am practicing now is one. This type helps to expand ideas and create new thought in depth an assisting alley in other froms of communication. We all need to understand that writing is always accepted as long as you receive permission from the subject. It will lead us to remember stuff with more detail.


Living life unexpectedly is different from living an unexpected life. One is living for the unexpected where as the other is letting the unexpected take control of your life and your reality. We always have to be careful to keep positive control within this life as well as all others we may affect.
Is any of life serious? Only because it just seems our attention shifts so fast, dealing is getting so much more difficult. Manipulation is a very important aspect. It has to be carefully used, for simplicity will get us nowhere. Everyone can do more than no one.

We all have potential. Carefully used this for vast degrees of success, which you have the energy for achieving. Perception is reality, so it does lead to success, your own success, even if it doesn’t match up with realities.
Life is full of distracting distractions which stand in the way of the things that we want. To overcome these, we should follow our purpose and follow the ones we want
to lead us to our destination.

There are only paths in life, no distraction. If you think you are distracted maybe you are going down the wrong path. Do not be embarrassed to change paths, the tragedy is if you don’t change and get to the destination you don’t like.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


People love people however standards which are necessary are viewed as vital.

This conformity should be true. Our sensitivity gets in the way sometimes.
However, this encourages communicating of issues however it is seldomly enough.

It is great however although the speed could use some improvement. For, everything has two sides even if not seen. It is just a shame that we could not see both sides early enough to stop disaster

Life is a combination of everything that is in it. That is confusing because more than that life forms locations are in competitions also, however also could be viewed as fun.

Be kind, no one’s watching.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Different styles of coping exist for individuals of magnanimous lifestyles. Coping differs immensely from each situation, to every persons ability. It also is a possibility to create harmony or tension within every complex situation you could have within your life.

You have to recognize that in coping you are also living life. Smoothly living life is a result of coping. This let's your attention move to other things. However, is this always good?

Coping can lead to repression of situations, which may cause tremendous difficulties in the future. Is it better to deal with situations as they arise, or deal with them as they arise?

Eternal Optimist

To be happy as well as to always look on the bright side is all rewardingly
hopeful to look toward the future. You just see beauty in everything which is
reinforced by every entity you come in contact with on this great journey of
existence. Knowledge that their are other superb eternally optimistic entities
is just enough to get through the day to day rough spots of life in all
realities imaginable.

We have to remain extremely calm as well as look for humor within all the
situations. For it is there, it only is hiding because it is in a game of hide
and seek. However you shall find it if you really want to. The only question is
how long are you willing to wait.

It's Time

It is our time, time to relax. Time is ours to think or to contemplate. We are free to do all we are capable of, and we are way more resilient then we even give ourselves credit for.

Beauty cannot recognize its own beauty. It seldom looks at itself for fear of seeing all of its imperfections. It is too busy in believing it can create something as exquisite as itself. It is extremely miraculous that beauty spreads?, so rapidly from so small a drop where it began.

It is very conflictive all of its life where it mostly wins, however it always learns from all the battles it partakes in. It is possible to find beauty in whatever we search through it in, throughout all time. All that it requires of us is recognition. This simplicity causes so much growth as well as alleviating so much tension. It inspires us to through such great obstacles amazingly.

We only have to take the time to recognize. By receiving recognition it grows tremendously. It also makes such wonderfully vibrant as well as magnificent structures. All that it requires is our patience.

Monday, June 29, 2009


Being a caregiver is the most rewarding, however also the toughest job that you
can under take. It is of great pleasure when your child or person that you are
taking care of behaves and does what he is told, however when things don't go as
well as they should that is when the real action starts taking place.

All the real excitement of life is around the conflict we partake in. These lead
to growth as well as death. You can not have one without the other. All the
positives cannot exist without the negative. Good behavior can't exist without

Sunday, June 28, 2009

You’re Choice

Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It's your choice how you live life. It’s your choice and no one can take that away from you.

Que Sara Sara

Whatever will be, will be.

In order for that to be true you have to practice some relaxation. We need to, as if your life depends on it, because it very well does.

We all need to choose our battles in life to the wisest ability that we can. We have to accept that we cannot do everything. In order to do anything we need to get to that place where the anything exists. We all need to practice some variously renowned patience with every spirit on Earth, especially ourselves. You have the most miraculous spiritual potential that just has to be discovered by you, the one in charge of your life and well being.

Potential is good and all, but we need to create change with that potential to improve our way of life. It all comes down to a choice we always have every nano-second of every day. Do I trust myself?

Honesty is another key issue that affects mostly everything. If you are not honest with yourself, how can you expect anyone to be honest with you.

You will get the most out of your life if you are both honest as well as truthful with every living thing. You will gain respect as well as what ever else you desire. You will find everything you are looking for if only you have the belief that you can be and are patient.

You will find many things with patience rather than stress.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


All of us have anxiety. What is important is how we deal with it. There are those who prefer to lecture. Thus getting all they want out at once.

There are then those who prefer to take things slow and move at a moderate pace throughout the communication of life.

Both ways of dealing with life are superb. Arguments that occur have to be dealt with as soon as possible or they will get worse. We should handle things as conversationalist, because we were given speech for a reason. Whatever the reason was it was not to cause more arguments or worse between ourselves.


To live a long, healthy, prosperous, life relaxation must be a part of it in.
Really to keep living you just have to relax. You have to live according to your rules and hopefully society will accept you as a member. If you are a strong spirit you can live according to your own rules. Society will know you as a trail blazer, because you are leading people down a path to greatness. For it all is great, the thing we achieve in our life, in the future time it will be viewed as a great cause.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Extremely Musical

Music is one of the great powers within life. It even has the power to save lives. Its rhythmic composition can do wonders in anything that it touches. To prove this you can listen to the excitement within the musical compositions of orchestras.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Pushing the Limits

You have to be careful with chance. You can only do so much? But how much should
you let yourself do?

You can only answer that for yourself. That's what makes life fun as well as
scary. Risk taking and rule breaking are significant areas of a life lived to
the fullest.

A life lived to the fullest is a guaranteed success. It may not be
conventionally successful, but it is full of new thoughts; which is of greater
magnificence. Live life, break the rules; but break them slowly to avoid grave

Consequences lead to a greater level of action. Through them we gain the
foundation for greatness. They lead to new accomplishments through new thought
which lead to a foundation of excellence.

This accumulation of excellence is influential to the extreme on others. It
causes new ideas to be in formation through validation of excellent thoughts.


Is passion good? Or is passion bad? No wonder we are all in a state of confusion. We all need to recognize that, not ignore it.

Only then can we solve our dilemmas. This is not new. It is very common, however not always followed.

Would you like the future to have a future? Of course we all do. So why fight battles that do not need to be thought. We should all just fight the fights that need to be fought. The ones that can no be solved any other way. We all should abide by this so forth encouraging the existence of life.

Future and Past

We all our connected. All of us are eternal. Some of us have a sense that connects us to the previous generations. We are connected to the future as well.

The soul is eternal because energy is never wasted. Life never depletes. Some have a recollection of their past, and some do not, but we all have to be open to this and believe that it exists.

Fun Life

Life is supposed to be fun? Then why do some prefer not to? There is only one that is watching. That is, oh that is another writing.

Anyway, don't you think that the watcher, that you believe, is more interested in how you live your life, then what you do in it. So if this is true, we should all try and relax as much as possible. Now I am not saying there should not be any rules, I am simply saying that it is possible that we all went overboard with making too many rules. I understand that clarity is an important aspect of life, but do we always live a simple, wholesome life?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

It’s a Strange Life

Life is so unique. Society encourages you to be individuals, however only to a limit. If you overpass this limit, they lock you up, punishing you in some way. That is so odd, but that is only when you are an adult, when you are a youth children tease, ridicule and physically fight with one another, giving authorities a hard time.

These sorts of behaviors cannot be solved without much effort. To start with you need to have tolerance and acceptance be taught throughout society. This will lead to a better understanding of the world.
It’s our whole outlook on life; that when something does not work, either fix or replace it. Those are the only two options we see or care to see. There are more options if we take the time to look. We ignore the plethora of other available methods of dealing. Perhaps if we left it alone for a while it will fix itself.
No we are in too much of a hurry, way too busy for the likes of that. Aren’t we? We’re only racing to nowhere. That race is already lifelong. So what is another brief second or so, in order to improve the quality of life for a fellow human being? Slow down, you may save a life, even your own.


Everyone does their best with what has been given to them. Having that belief, among others, makes it easier to practice forgiveness as well as live a full and prosperous life.

This is of immense importance because one needs to be able to do whatever they desire, and are capable of, throughout their existence in this reality. It is of great importance to experience the most and grandest adventures that you are capable of experiencing sooner than later. Life is fleeting, only today is for sure.
Honoring the rules put onto you by another is of some good, however when these rules interfere as well as limit your freedoms, which may conflict with your purpose: or it could encompass your purpose enlarging it. For example someone may steal some food to feed their family. If that person was out of work, who is at fault? Is the structure of order to blame?

For every action, there are vast amounts of reactions. Every occurrence has many different reasons for happening as well. As it does have also have different causes which can change the output of the given reality. There is no plain simple truth for anything, as you yourself are made up of many variables to the extreme, so is everything and everyone as well. That’s life, that is extremely complex.


What should we do with all the waste we produce? We could produce as little as possible, but we cannot stop it all together.

We could keep using the waste until there is nothing left. We could make a recycler which reuses the waste till it’s all gone.

It’s extremely possible to figure this one out because of all the human ingenuity we have attained throughout our existence. Hopefully we will figure it out before this planet turns into a heap of garbage.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Every thought creates vibrations. Vibrations are sound waves also radiation produces them. No obstacle or hurdle could ever stop them.

There are many different vibratory causes. Some are intentional, and some are not. The most common one is the vocal vibration that we all produce when we breathe, talk, or sing. Singing is the way to see the most effect from vibrations.

There are also vibrations that happen outside ourselves. The most commonly known is earthquakes. These are vibratory patterns on a great scale. There are smaller patterns as well. For example every second of every day the earth rotates and vibrations occur. Throughout your life unbeknownst to you, you are riding on this globe so big you can’t even see.

Mountain and valleys are produced from these. Volcanic eruptions are the violence that incurs as well. These happen daily on the globe as well as around every single star you see. The stars are suns and around them are tons of planets. These planets all have vibratory patterns as well.


Being forced is not always bad. Think about it, if we were not forced we wouldn’t be where we are today. It takes a lot of forcing to form a huge movement. You have to encourage people to agree with your views so that they can be receptive to your cause.

You do not want to blindly lead people, to some summit, for if you do you won’t have equal participation. No one to converse with, you will be all alone, we are social animals. We crave socialization. So do not force your way in, because you may be forced out.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Life is politics.

I choose not to listen to politics. I'm pretty good at not listening or paying attention to political advertisements. I don't because it would affect my world to much. I prefer to live my life with as few outer induced headaches as possible. My stance in political advocacy is as original as i could get it. My free time is spent by listening to music as well as everything else instead.

I simply adore music. Music is in a sense, is a form of politics, Music helps freely form your opinion, rather than the spoken word of the political wheel. It in essence, helps form your opinion as sub-consciously as consciously.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Predictions of anything are quite difficult. In order to make an accurate prediction you have to be able to see a person’s true spirit.
When you know your true self or spirit, you discover that there is a practical good in all, which reduces the personal pressure that you yourself put on to the only person you can which is yourself. When you discover this power you hold within you can do immeasurable things because you take away the one thing that blocks you form being happy yourself imposed guilt and fear.
You can make anything you want out of whatever you got and you will discover this once you free your mind and let go of the fear and the doubt that restrict you.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Wisdom can form at any time

Wisdom is a humorous complexity. It usually forms with age, however it does not require growth. Sometimes the finer something gets the less wise it becomes.

Wisdom can occur at any time throughout life. It can take place at the beginning of life. Some musicians as well as composers got their start early. Music is a very simple art form to become gifted in since it is so harmonious. However the creative wisdoms are not very profitable in many societies. Why do you suppose this is?

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Don’t take things so seriously. Also do not be concerned with who’s right or who’s wrong. Just be concerned with living your life to the fullest that it can be lived, which you determine.
Security is a wonderful. However it is possible that too much security may prevent some creativity as well as some independents.

With so much security it would also put across the message that the people are always living in fear. Change cannot happen as fast with fear and that puts a real restraint on some that want change. The fastest way to get a bandage off is to pull it off quickly even though it causes excruciating pain.

The alternative is hurting a little for a longer time. Change is similar to that bandage and it is self-imposed security, or too much of it, covering freedom.

Guides to Life

Order and Structure are meant to be guides. They are not meant to be adhered to at all times. Creativity would suffer if you adhered to them at all times. They are of the most value if they are put to use in moderation. For if we set them free with no guard the ramifications could be ultimate chaos or micromanagement to the extreme. They would take place both personally as wee as sociological depending on how far they spread or how they are or become.

Having some order is a good thing. Too much however becomes troublesome. Creating a standstill in personal freedom tends to be the consequence of this. This also leads to fear of or lack of total personal, both extra as well as intra freedoms and expressions.

Freedom Quest

The freedom quest is summed up by life energy always finds itself under control by something enterer to it. This quest is a never ending struggle for all that is alive... when several life energies get free and join together their happiness is short lived. Pretty soon struggle starts emerging within the free group and another group breaks off. This happens all the time in all life formation.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

How to Produce a Change

Every change only takes one excellent thought to get started, but that one needs support from others, first. Then those thoughts will get recorded. They shall support other people with other thoughts to join. Then those supporters will unite this collaboration to become a team/board with the idea-maker or now the leader. One of the chief duties of the board is to transform into obstacles into opportunities.

All change begins with a voice. That voice is infectious, and promotes others to view that issue as well as tell their story relating to that situation. Change then becomes easier to create and more likely to happen.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Food Uses

Food has three major uses. These are nutrition, upkeep and excretion as well as a whole array of others. It provides nutrition to keep your strength up and well maintained. Taste, nutrition and maintenance and energy are other uses that food has on life. It also needs food when it goes through transitions.

Nutrition is found in all food. Different vitamins and mineral are found with all food as well. The tastes are also different as well as the colors. Colors also let you know if the food is heathy to consume or not as well as the freshness of it.

We have to be satisfied by what we consume, but at the same time over indulgence is not that healthy for us either. Only eat till you are not hungry, when hunger returns you can eat more.

Eating has a vital and complex role in our lives. It keeps us healthy, strong, alert and active. It also help us regenerate tissues that our body needs both in the body and in the mind.

Friday, March 27, 2009


We, as a race, don’t take pride in the comfort of living. We want people to get out of the hospital as soon as possible, either by death or by getting better. We want people on disability to get off of it as soon as possible. We don’t care if they need more help in functioning in society or not.

Our focus should be to improve the quality of life rather than to find the cheapest way to deal with it.

Now I’m not saying everyone is like this, there are some diamonds in the rough as it were, but the fight against injustice is far from over. It’s my perception that we must all band together before something drastic happens to us as well as the world around us.

You should take pride with yourself, your thoughts, your actions, and everything else you achieve and are. It is wrong however if you are too prideful, since this prevents you from accomplishing goals. It is like anything else in life where too much of it is bad and also too little is also. You have to find an individual balance.

Now, I have no idea why I’m writing this but maybe it will change a few minds. Possibly it will make people think before lashing out at someone or to something.

What’s Next?

What’s all the rush? Always next, next, next. We are all so concerned with the future, which is good, but we should pay more attention to the present.

People have a tendency of rushing through life. They don’t realize what they are missing is just as important or more important than the future they are hurrying to.

The future is written by the decisions we make in the present. So make the best ones you can, because it is your future and you will have to live it.

If you rush thru the present toward the future you will miss all the great adventures there could be in the present. True there could be some lousy adventures. But as they say, “Don’t let one rotten apple spoil the bunch. So don’t let one lousy adventure spoil your day and just be happy no matter what happens.


This is a difficult world, being so outspoken, and taking a chance in going out to meet people. Finding interests in common really is difficult.

Being different you are scared even more from socialization. I don’t have that natural filtering out ability that prevents you from talking about inappropriate stuff while socializing. I guess that is why I prefer to communicate on the internet, because you could take your time and communicate as slow as you want.