Saturday, September 5, 2009

Technological Ideas

Attracted to technological ideas more then anything else, for ideas are good and technologies good, but explanation is better, however sleep sometimes which is necessary takes precedence.

I'm explaining human condition is what it means to be human. We are all so confused, but of what? Ideas I'm not sure, pain?

How to express ideas.

It's like someone is so confused but has no idea why? They can express some but not all of their ideas at once.

At the same time a stop watch is going and they have no idea how to express that either.The longer they have the more ideas they have, but the ideas are not and/or will not stop.

It is very much like a computer. You do not know how to do one thing, but know how to solve it, however you are not sure it is the best way to solve it. But what you set out to solve has a temporary bandage on it.

At the same time as that the adhesive is getting thin the problem get more worse.

It is really getting overwhelming you do not know where to turn. However you end up solving it because your belief formed. But you are not sure still, if your belief will cover the problem. However you still want to solve the problem, you just need a specific tool and a person to guide you through and believe that it will work.

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