Saturday, February 28, 2009

Fashions and Success

Fashion doesn’t always lead to success. What success is considered are ideas that are approved by the public. Without the public there cannot be any structure of monetary success.

There are different types of success. There is monetary success, dealing with money. There is spiritual success which has to do with the spirit and our beliefs. Academic success, which, has to do with academia. As well as many others types.
Monetary success is success with money and finances. It is a superficial success. It’s only about what you can see or feel.

Spiritual success is success in the outer world mostly as well as the inner world. It has to do with the outer realm and our universal consciousness. In essence the universal consciousness connects all living thing as a giant spider web holds itself together. This web is in constant growth and declination due to the birth and or death of life.

Academic success is not only the success achieved in school, but also your happiness as well as your peaceful presence in life. You could be great in school but a horrible mean grump. This weighs out to give you a decent existence. This is where everyone believes you are a happy person who has a terrific job, happy family and all that, but you really are miserable because you never took that one chance and always regret it.

The different levels of success have an influence on your fashion also. Monetarily successful individuals usually dress real nice all the time. They even play in nice clothes. Spiritually successful people are usually not rich but they are able to support themselves and like to wear casual clothing. Academically successful people either are wealthy or not. So they would either wear nice clothes, but not as nice as the wealthy people, or they would wear common everyday clothes.

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