Saturday, February 28, 2009

Childs View

A child’s point of view is priceless to have. What are the reason people disregard it so easily? They are too busy to hear it and see it within themselves. But what are they busy with? They are busy growing older.

You know you are old when you do not have time to listen. When you prefer or think you have to read reports as oppose to communicating with people who care for.

True a child’s attention span is short, that is because they can’t wait to grow up to do the entire thing they can’t do as a children because of restrictions set for their protection.

I guess people are never happy with what they have. They always look to the other side of what they have. While we are doing this and not being happy with life we are actually missing it. Besides having fun, no matter what kind, is relaxing and also reduces stress. In playing you find more friends and better friends then work. These friends inspire you more creatively which last longer. These memories last longer because the fun aspects of life are accessible and deeper ingrained in the memory center of the brain.

Fashions and Success

Fashion doesn’t always lead to success. What success is considered are ideas that are approved by the public. Without the public there cannot be any structure of monetary success.

There are different types of success. There is monetary success, dealing with money. There is spiritual success which has to do with the spirit and our beliefs. Academic success, which, has to do with academia. As well as many others types.
Monetary success is success with money and finances. It is a superficial success. It’s only about what you can see or feel.

Spiritual success is success in the outer world mostly as well as the inner world. It has to do with the outer realm and our universal consciousness. In essence the universal consciousness connects all living thing as a giant spider web holds itself together. This web is in constant growth and declination due to the birth and or death of life.

Academic success is not only the success achieved in school, but also your happiness as well as your peaceful presence in life. You could be great in school but a horrible mean grump. This weighs out to give you a decent existence. This is where everyone believes you are a happy person who has a terrific job, happy family and all that, but you really are miserable because you never took that one chance and always regret it.

The different levels of success have an influence on your fashion also. Monetarily successful individuals usually dress real nice all the time. They even play in nice clothes. Spiritually successful people are usually not rich but they are able to support themselves and like to wear casual clothing. Academically successful people either are wealthy or not. So they would either wear nice clothes, but not as nice as the wealthy people, or they would wear common everyday clothes.


Talking is an art form. You either are good at it or not. You either enjoy it or not. If you are good at it you usually enjoy it. Some feel better talking from a script, whereas some prefer speaking from the heart.

The very organized person likes to speak from the heart. The words naturally flow from their mouths. The very complex thinking people prefer to speak with a script in hand, because their mind generates many ideas at such a fast pace their mouths don’t know how to decipher the ideas before they become words.

Talking is just one aspect of socialization. There is also writing and reading. However let’s not forget, maybe the strongest form of communication which is nonverbal.

The Constricting Aspect

Life is extremely confusing, every aspect of it. It constricts us a great deal. We do not even know how much, for the simple fact of that constriction being so much.
One example of this is if you are blind. When you are blind you can hear. Without a sense, your other senses increase in their strength. So we all could possibly be blinded so much we wouldn’t even know that we are blind. That is the nature of the universe.

You don’t know if you can do something unless you try it. When you try it, and believe in yourself when you try, you can only see if you could in that instant. For in future moments you could be able to achieve it, if you try it another time.

If that was not complicated enough, your taste change every second. So if you are happy with a entity one moment you may not be in favor of it at another point.

Life is so complex. It’s a wonder we are not all insane. Maybe we are? Maybe our level of insanity is perceived as normal? Possibly the people that we label as insane or a danger is more normal than we are. This happens more frequently then you will admit. I better stop before the men in white come for me.

That’s a real shame. People are afraid to be who they really want to be out of fear of the consequences that may arise. The world could be so much more greater and probably a little worse if people just showed their true colors.

Life will survive with whatever we throw at it. It has lasted eons with us and will last eons probably without. It is one of the strongest forces in nature. The only other that comes close to it is fire.

Order and Structure

Why are we so obsessed with order and structure?

Is it because we cannot possibly achieve it? Maybe our species likes to be disappointed? There can never be full order because life itself is chaotic. So our quest for order shall never end. So why try to organize the unorderly. Well our race, is famous for accomplishing the impossible.

Hey who knows? The future has not yet been written, so we possibly have a chance right.

How about enjoy the chaos that is life instead. Would that not be a better use of time?

Don’t go crazy trying to organize life, because no one should always be unhappy. Life is to live, and make yourself happy. It is not to always be spent trying to figure out ways to make it organized. It shouldn’t be seen as a job, it should be seen as the game which it actually is.

So smile, you’re on life’s camera.

Live Life According to True Feelings

Why are we so afraid to show our true feelings to each other? To share what we really think also?

It is possible that we aren’t sure how we really feel or what we really think. But isn’t all of life a testing ground? Isn’t all of life where we should express our true selves no matter what? Or is writing the only place we can be safe to express our real emotions and not be scolded or lose a partner?

I thought that was what life was for? How is it that life has turned into this proper place where one cannot relax or have fun? Or we are so afraid of it we just rather stay in bed all day? Are we so afraid to really live by expressing our real emotions? I hope we aren’t because if we have, we will not be living life to the fullest. We will be only living it as if it was work, all formal and such.

Now it’s true you should not live with your emotions on your sleeves. However there has to be a way to live life in equal balance of protecting yourself and not getting hurt to the extent where you feel like death has come for you.

Is that life or is that a paradise? Should we not strive for paradise or should we just put up with our life as it is. Hey, why not strive for paradise? What’s the worst that could happen? You already dislike where you are right.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Forms of Communication

Communication is a good thing. It has different forms. The forms are increasing in number drastically now, since the technological age began. But even with that said in every generation, the communicational ability evolves.

We have verbal and non-verbal communications which have been around since the dawn of life. These are steadfast ways to communicate and will be around to the end of life in the cosmos. It is hard to imagine they would cease in existence, but hey anything’s possible.

In the technological age, you have email and instant messaging. Now in the cellular age, which falls in the technological age you have texting and cell phone communication, which makes communication as well as location possible anywhere you like. It is to the point where you cannot get a break and just be with your thoughts.

However if you are unreachable, some people do get angry, because they think you do not want to be bothered by them. On the other hand you may not respond to a dire emergency where then you are to blame. This may be viewed as non-interest or anger. This in turn starts a whole slew of trouble because of misconceptions and misunderstandings. This is all caused from an innocent little thing of wanting to relax.

We need to practice understanding and compassion even more and not jump to any conclusions or accusations about not communicating. The purpose of communication is to keep the peace. Should it not be the same when there is none?

How to Attain Total Freedom

To be totally free you have to give up many things. One of the hardest things you have to give up is having a plan for every situation that life puts on your path. Just explore. No one is keeping score. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, what matter is the journey, as well as your appreciation of all until you reach your destination.

Another aspect that will help you is just to have the journey, but not to care where you end up. To just believe that you will end up in a good place is hard to do, however, it is mandatory in all your experiences.

In writing all these passages, I first have an inspirational thought, and then I do not make an outline or have a plan of attack or structure, I just write. Whatever I put down I am happy with. Whatever ideas of mine don’t make it to the paper, which is sad; I must believe that they will another time, which I am happy with. I am in total free writing mode. No outline or structure for me. No due dates or deadlines are given at all. In fact these writings are not part of any assignment or coursework.

Just my flow of ideas and that is all there is. Now I understand that we all cannot always do this, however by doing this it is a form of letting things; like anger and all out, so as to not go violent in the future. It is a coping mechanism. We need order and structure to survive right? I do not believe that’s the case, look at my blogs. I did not have any order or structure, just inspiration. You may say that is a special case. I do not believe so. Anyone can go on inspiration alone if they just try.

Inspiration is all that lead me. So why can it not lead you? It can. Don’t be afraid of it. One way to conquer fear is to ignore it. But then it just keeps growing and growing. You can do that. You have ignored your inspiration, not fully, but let it out when you see fit. That is not fair to yourself at all. Don’t keep it in chains until it shrivels up and dies. Let it out to flourish. To hell with society. Rules were made for one thing and one thing only, to be broken, so let you have some fun and bring chaos to order. I really doubt that anyone, but a few people, will be reading this, for it will be viewed as too civil disobedient or such. It is totally against control and for freedom of expression.

That is the only true freedom we have, freedom of thought and expression. It is good to get in trouble for this. That will bring more attention to that thought or that situation. You were given life and a free will, so you have the right to use them however you want.

If you want to break the rules and you want to be rebellious, than you’ll attain fame for that and you’ll go down in history with a whole story about your adventures in life. You may even have a book written on your life and a movie could follow.
However if you want to be a good person, who follows all the rules you will only get a small blurb in the history books. Nothing else. You won’t receive any noble prizes or any other awards or recognition. You’ll be viewed as an extra in the movie of life.

The choice is yours? You better make a choice sooner than later. If you take too long history will make it for you and it will be a passive nothing. No one wants to remember a nothing or worse yet be remembered as a nothing. Just someone who is taking up space is not good for any person’s soul.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Fortunate is the key to fortunate lives. Life has has all these stresses that if you let them get you down, you rise to your full potential and not even have a point to exist. Meditation is one way to relax. There are a whole bunch of ways to relax.

Relaxation techniques vary from form to sounds to action. They vary by religious or spiritual beliefs as well. Age also is a variable in relation techniques as well as the amount of time that is needed to do them and the frequency they need to be done.

Having too much structure in your life causes relation to disappear from existence.
While it could be a good thing it also can be a bad thing as well. Good structure is mandatory in living a healthy fun and tranquil life. It also keeps you focused and increases your progression through this adventure of life. Progression leads to new opportunities as well as knowledge.

Too much relaxation could be extremely dangerous as well. There won’t be any progress if there was a surplus relaxation. If there was a surplus of relaxation most structures would not be around anymore.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Course of Life

There should be a course in school on human interaction. It is vital that it is given. It’s even more important than the sciences or the languages.

Human interaction is a vital role that we all partake in. Maybe, if we form this class, the world affairs would radically improve. Guidance and discussion in human interaction is a mandatory aspect of life and should be of organized schooling as well.

Humanity is vital. It should be treated with more vitality and even given some academic time then it is getting currently.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Music and Life

Music and life are very similar. In each, harmony is vital which makes all sections necessary. However in music the lower parts never mean the difference we make them mean in life. For example a base, which is usually a low male voice, is of no lesser value than a soprano, the highest female. They also have nothing to do with their effectiveness in life. For example, lower sometimes means less valuable, likewise higher means of greater value, which is seldom true in life, it is never true in music. This is so in music composition as well. Some of the pieces that have many low notes sound as magnificent, if not more than those with high notes. It is all a matter of individual taste and point of view.

Friday, February 20, 2009

How to Attain Total Freedom

To be totally free you have to give up many things. One of the hardest things you have to give up is having a plan for every situation that life puts on your path. Just explore. No one is keeping score. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, what matter is the journey, as well as your appreciation of all until you reach your destination.

Another aspect that will help you is just to have the journey, but not to care where you end up. To just believe that you will end up in a good place is hard to do, however, it is mandatory in all your experiences.
In writing all these passages, I first have an inspirational thought, and then I do not make an outline or have a plan of attack or structure, I just write. Whatever I put down I am happy with. Whatever ideas of mine don’t make it to the paper, which is sad; I must believe that they will another time, which I am happy with. I am in total free writing mode. No outline or structure for me. No due dates or deadlines are given at all. In fact these writings are not part of any assignment or coursework.
ust my flow of ideas and that is all there is. Now I understand that we all cannot always do this, however by doing this it is a form of letting things; like anger and all out, so as to not go violent in the future. It is a coping mechanism. We need order and structure to survive right? I do not believe that’s the case, look at my blogs. I did not have any order or structure, just inspiration. You may say that is a special case. I do not believe so. Anyone can go on inspiration alone if they just try.

Inspiration is all that lead me. So why can it not lead you? It can. Don’t be afraid of it. One way to conquer fear is to ignore it. But then it just keeps growing and growing. You can do that. You have ignored your inspiration, not fully, but let it out when you see fit. That is not fair to yourself at all. Don’t keep it in chains until it shrivels up and dies. Let it out to flourish. To hell with society. Rules were made for one thing and one thing only, to be broken, so let you have some fun and bring chaos to order. I really doubt that anyone, but a few people, will be reading this, for it will be viewed as too civil disobedient or such. It is totally against control and for freedom of expression.
That is the only true freedom we have, freedom of thought and expression. It is good to get in trouble for this. That will bring more attention to that thought or that situation. You were given life and a free will, so you have the right to use them however you want.

If you want to break the rules and you want to be rebellious, than you’ll attain fame for that and you’ll go down in history with a whole story about your adventures in life. You may even have a book written on your life and a movie could follow.
However if you want to be a good person, who follows all the rules you will only get a small blurb in the history books. Nothing else. You won’t receive any noble prizes or any other awards or recognition. You’ll be viewed as an extra in the movie of life.

The choice is yours? You better make a choice sooner than later. If you take too long history will make it for you and it will be a passive nothing. No one wants to remember a nothing or worse yet be remembered as a nothing. Just someone who is taking up space is not good for any person’s soul.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Without Conflict

Without conflict, which we are trying to stop ourselves from creating, we would have nothing to live for, which would eventually cause our life to disappear.

Conflict adds some spice to all our life which makes them interesting. Instead of riding ourselves of it, perhaps we would be more successful in finding a way to live in harmony, both with conflict and all other situations life brings to us.

The standards of life which we want to live by are a little to constrictive, and too high. Being to high is both good and bad. A positive aspect is when we reach them we feel terrific. Conversely though, when we do not meet them we feel horrible and waste time mulling about it. That time, even if that is only a moment is a waste. It is too long, for no one knows when their last moment is which it also prevents progress.

Who wants their last moment before the transformation into the unknown to be full of anger? I certainly do not. I want it to be of happiness and peaceful intention.

Limitation of Creativity

Creativity should never be limited. It should remain free to make whatever magic it wants. But so many times we limit it because we are embarrassed of it. We are then embarrassed of ourselves. You should never be embarrassed of yourself, what’s the worst that can happen they do not like what you made or you, you would not know for a fact until you share your ideas with another.

You may be surprised by what you can do and how profound of a difference you could make in the world. You bless everyone you meet, even if you don’t know it. You solve so many problems even if you don’t solve the one you set out to solve. You should never limit yourself, that’s the worst thing you can do. By limiting yourself you’re doing the exact same thing as putting a glass over a plant. You kill it.
You kill yourself when you limit yourself. Maybe not automatically, but you are.

Give yourself some sun, and let yourself grow. You will be surprised where you end up. You have so much God-given Potential or Energy-Given Potential that you should use. If you have a paper to write you can do more than what is required and you and everyone else will be surprised by the feeling of satisfaction you get. You have to use the potential otherwise it vanishes, and no one like to be wasteful. You could get in trouble with the Spiritual Legal System when you move on to the next phase of your life. You really want to anger something you have no clue about.

Complexity in Thought

My thinking can be so complex that others can’t realize the possibility of the reason. They ignore the thought and assume it is just nonsense. However I do not believe this. I wonder if Einstein and De Vinci as well as other historically known geniuses had the same sort of problem and were not taking seriously in their time as well.

However when they past to the next state of being they somehow were appreciated. That’s a total shame, that the world’s culture rejects so much of people’s lives. It would enhance so much if the population just took a moment to understand its people. We should really see as well as encourage the greatness of others and accordingly have an implicit respect for everyone.


Thanking all for the gifts they provide is an essential part of life. Saying “I Love You,” is an extremely important in our lives, as well. Why are these phrases used so sparingly? Another phrase used sparingly is “I’m sorry” and “I apologize.” Why are these phrases so rarely used? It could be because they make you vulnerable. You have to realize that you are always vulnerable. However, when we say these to others your vulnerability is so apparent, that we are fearful of the outcome.

We don’t realize that by saying these simple phrases, we actually are stronger then when we do not. Apparently those who do not say those phrases a lot to others, very seldom say these phrases to themselves. Another factor in saying these phrases beginning with I also mean other things such as “I Love You,” meaning also, “I implicitly, blindly, trust you. I have no regrets in life. I live the fullest life I could.” It is a very simple phenomena to start. All you have to do is just say those phrases.

Monday, February 16, 2009


One of the greatest diseases that the human race suffers from is the dilemma of overworking that we face. Surprisingly, this disease is self-imposed and has an easy cure.

People overwork to the point of death. This should not happen nearly as much as it does if at all for the simple reason that the highest goal in life is to live and it should be respected and not ignored. This generation is more likely to feel overworked than any other. The phenomena is just increasing throughout time. It is a fearful predicament that better stop before this race, races itself to death and to the point of extinction.

Everyone has the power to decrease the statistics. By taking time for yourself and relaxing you can decrease the statistics. It is very simple to do this. You could watch television or hang out with your friends or just help out in some way. Really it doesn’t matter what you do, just something that relaxes you.
So next time you feel yourself overworking or are in the presence of someone overworking themselves the best thing to do is just help them out with what they are doing and not add to the drama, by saying the least possible. This may seem easy, but like everything else it is easier said than done. However this is a vital thing to accomplish.

As with everything else the more practice you have the better off you are. The best way to practice this is to start with things that are only a little annoying to you. Then increase the level of annoyance as you see fit.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Let the entire captive and all the other people know that there is hope, that they will, be one day set free of the chains they that bind them that keep them from reaching their full potential through all of our imaginations. Yes, we all have this gift, where we see other thing when looking at a particular item. No one sees the same. Let us all recognize and appreciate that within us and all living thing as well as all non living thing there is this non-violent need for love. We have to realize this before it is too late.

I see a day in the near future where all see and have respect for all living as well as non-living entities. This will end most of, if not all of humanities strife’s. This will also change all existing structures. The time is almost here.

Will you help it come? Will you help what we all strive for? A world of harmony. Be it kind or unkind, it will be of greater harmonious values, where people will be free to be who they really want to be. Ideas will flow freely from one to another life form. Because everything, be it alive or what we mistakenly perceive as dead, is alive. If you doubt me search deep within your soul. What are you afraid of the unknown? Just let go of fear and go. When you let go of fear you truly overcome it. So come on, let it go. There is nothing to get ready for, you’ve been preparing for this your entire life. Please go. It is so magnificent. There are no words in the human tongue or language to describe what you are in store for. Both in seeing and in feeling as well as many other ways that you don’t even know about.

Don’t ask me how I know this stuff? I just know it. I cannot prove any of this, but it is real for me and I just wanted to invite you.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

How to produce a change

Every change only takes one excellent thought to get started, but that one needs support from others, first. Then those thoughts will get recorded. They shall support other people with other thoughts to join. Then those supporters will unite this collaboration to become a team/board with the idea-maker or now the leader. One of the chief duties of the board is to transform into obstacles into opportunities.
All change begins with a voice. That voice is infectious, and promotes others to view that issue as well as tell their story relating to that situation. Change then becomes easier to create and more likely to happen.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Why does it seem that greed reigns supreme among humanity? Mankind made this headache up, probably to separate us from the animal kingdom. However no matter what the situation, we always show our true colors by making the business minded kingdom as vicious, if not more ferocious, as the animal kingdom. So what’s the solution?

If I had that I wouldn’t be writing this would I? I would be trying to do that. One solution that I see as a possibility is relaxation. Relaxation of the banking, as well as all, the things that money has a part in. You can view this as a paid vacation for humanity.

Money is a manmade headache. That is true; however this man-made headache has spread to the natural world. One way its spreading is the environmental pollution that it leads us to cause. Another headache is that it increases the mortality rate of our specie.

All the people dying from headaches or a lack of exercise is a sad fact. Should I mention the food that it causes us to intake, half of which is indigestible I believe. It promotes this by limiting the time we have to prepare meals not to mention eating them. Hey it did wonders for the pharmaceutical industries, because without that lifestyle half of them would have to close down.

It is a horrible thing when you think about that every block either has a coffee house or a pharmacy on it. In a few cases they are actually combined. Now I am not saying that we should get rid of all the coffee and pharmaceutical supply stores, but we should not have million of kinds, and at the same time there are still impoverished people within this country not to mention the world who need these medicine and supplies.

Too Much Diversity

Too much diversity is a bad thing. If something breaks up to much it is so small we cannot even see it. Its message that it’s sending cannot even be heard, it’s just a dull whisper.

With diversity, unity shall be stronger. The goal of diversity in that case is to make that balance and keep it unified.

Don’t ask me how? Just come together, unite. To get your message across and then you can diversify. Don’t fight amongst yourselves until your message is across though, because if you do, it will not be taken seriously.