Monday, March 2, 2009

Surviving the Never Adventure of Life

Life should also be known as the never adventure. There are events in life that you just don’t think you deserve. Who knows if you are? You have to deal with what you are given in life. Trying your best is OK but succeeding is excellent. Here is a story I have dealt with recently.

I guess I will never see the Amazon or Costa Rican Rainforest or visit the North Pole to see the Polar Bears because the friendship that I had with you is over.
At least I got to visit Disney World. Who knows, the future is not written yet so anything is possible. No matter how dismal it looks there is always hope. Hope may be small but at least it is there. The unlikely will happen some way, they always do. It always turns out better then we imagined. Our memories are really only made up of the good of life.

It’s funny that sadness is not as welcome as joy. They both are a part of growth. Growth is positive. So we should welcome sadness in and realize it has to get better, this adventurous tale of life we are on. Growth can hurt, what seems like more then it’s fair share. Look at it this way and always remember without pain you don’t get strong. So whatever doesn’t destroy you makes you a more powerful individual.

Strength is positive for then with it we can easily tread the waters of life. Wondrous treasures and even more tragedies, unfortunately, await our arrival in the coming chapters of our existence. The important thing is to get through them at the present moment, for if we do not the adventure could quite possibly end and besides who wants to be around bad energy forever or for a long time. I would rather just go through them, learn what I needed to learn, and then move to the future. It’s all up to you. Your strength, your wonder, your magnificence, is magnanimous; because we all have the power to get through this humorously screwed up existence. However this magical existence, still throws these situation in our path. We all shall survive, this, I’m sure. For we have dealt with all these obstacles before, and overcame them, even though they were in different situations.

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