Friday, March 13, 2009


Fortunate is the key to fortunate lives. Life has has all these stresses that if you let them get you down, you rise to your full potential and not even have a point to exist. Meditation is one way to relax. There are a whole bunch of ways to relax. Relaxation techniques vary from form to sounds to action. They vary by religious or spiritual beliefs as well. Age also is a variable in relation techniques as well as the amount of time that is needed to do them and the frequency they need to be done.

Having too much structure in your life causes relation to disappear from existence. While it could be a good thing it also can be a bad thing as well. Good structure is mandatory in living a healthy fun and tranquil life. It also keeps you focused and increases your progression through this adventure of life. Progression leads to new opportunities as well as knowledge

Too much relaxation could be extremely dangerous as well. There won’t be any progress if there was a surplus relaxation. If there was a surplus of relaxation most structures would not be around anymore.

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