Sunday, March 29, 2009

Food Uses

Food has three major uses. These are nutrition, upkeep and excretion as well as a whole array of others. It provides nutrition to keep your strength up and well maintained. Taste, nutrition and maintenance and energy are other uses that food has on life. It also needs food when it goes through transitions.

Nutrition is found in all food. Different vitamins and mineral are found with all food as well. The tastes are also different as well as the colors. Colors also let you know if the food is heathy to consume or not as well as the freshness of it.

We have to be satisfied by what we consume, but at the same time over indulgence is not that healthy for us either. Only eat till you are not hungry, when hunger returns you can eat more.

Eating has a vital and complex role in our lives. It keeps us healthy, strong, alert and active. It also help us regenerate tissues that our body needs both in the body and in the mind.

Friday, March 27, 2009


We, as a race, don’t take pride in the comfort of living. We want people to get out of the hospital as soon as possible, either by death or by getting better. We want people on disability to get off of it as soon as possible. We don’t care if they need more help in functioning in society or not.

Our focus should be to improve the quality of life rather than to find the cheapest way to deal with it.

Now I’m not saying everyone is like this, there are some diamonds in the rough as it were, but the fight against injustice is far from over. It’s my perception that we must all band together before something drastic happens to us as well as the world around us.

You should take pride with yourself, your thoughts, your actions, and everything else you achieve and are. It is wrong however if you are too prideful, since this prevents you from accomplishing goals. It is like anything else in life where too much of it is bad and also too little is also. You have to find an individual balance.

Now, I have no idea why I’m writing this but maybe it will change a few minds. Possibly it will make people think before lashing out at someone or to something.

What’s Next?

What’s all the rush? Always next, next, next. We are all so concerned with the future, which is good, but we should pay more attention to the present.

People have a tendency of rushing through life. They don’t realize what they are missing is just as important or more important than the future they are hurrying to.

The future is written by the decisions we make in the present. So make the best ones you can, because it is your future and you will have to live it.

If you rush thru the present toward the future you will miss all the great adventures there could be in the present. True there could be some lousy adventures. But as they say, “Don’t let one rotten apple spoil the bunch. So don’t let one lousy adventure spoil your day and just be happy no matter what happens.


This is a difficult world, being so outspoken, and taking a chance in going out to meet people. Finding interests in common really is difficult.

Being different you are scared even more from socialization. I don’t have that natural filtering out ability that prevents you from talking about inappropriate stuff while socializing. I guess that is why I prefer to communicate on the internet, because you could take your time and communicate as slow as you want.


To stop being lonely is a challenge that everyone faces constantly throughout life. Families and friends can only do so much. You have to be very energetic in your socialization. It is extremely difficult to socialize when you are not at ease with yourself, even when you have many opportunities.

You could be lonely when you have many friends. You could not be letting them in completely for fear of ridicule when you are so vulnerable.

Driving Through Life

Driving through life you should be sure to travel slowly, so you could observe all that is capable of being observed. You don’t want to miss anything because that one thing you miss may be the one thing that makes a difference or the greatest difference in your life or the world history.

If you speed through life, you are only speeding to your demise. Your speeding causes you to miss some adventures and opportunities in your grand adventure of life.

You have to take it easy to not lose everything that makes you up and also makes you life a grand adventure as well as a long journey. If you take it easy you will also live a happier and healthier life as well.


Honesty is a two way street. It can be good for the individuals in the present or the future. This is depending on the situation which they are participating in.

When it is good for you in the present it doesn’t cause much aggravation or anger in the present moment. The other kind is good for the individual in their future. Both of these forms of honesty are based off of truth. They have positive sides and negative sides as well.

There are many positives to honesty. One of them is it is much easier keeping your story accurate, this is because you were truthful to yourself as well as others. Another example of why it is better to be honest then to not be is you feel more at ease and content when you are honest.

The negative aspects of being honest are, you think that you will get in tons of trouble which is usually why people are not honest. Lying is also habitual. You may do it unconsciously.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Disability is so hard for me to accept. I am neurologically impaired, which just means I have trouble deciding on stuff, such as which food to get, to as crucial as how to live independently. That is very hard to accept at any age. I am getting better though, but at the same time I have to struggle to gain my rights, because the government as well as other authority sees I have no physical ailments, so they believe I have no disability. I suffer from an invisible discrimination such as being discriminated against for any personality disorder.

If I don’t fight, who will? It is like I am fighting two wars: one against myself and one against the outer world. I have to be victorious though, at least for future generations if not myself. It is extremely difficult to be accepted when you are fighting for your rights, even more difficult when you like the same gender

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Cost and Time

It cost to do everything in life, even to die. To live is so much work as well as to die. The work never stops. Money is always short, though, that is to be expected.

However the only thing at stack is time, not money. Time is limited. Time is the eternal form of money as money is the human form of time.

Time is the grand limit in life. Time is the only thing we do not have endless freedom on.

We should use time cautiously. Life however, is script less. We have to take chances because of this and follow our instincts not ignore them.

Order and structure says that we should ignore our instincts. It says if we do not chaos will ensue.

Chaos will take place if we do not follow our instincts. Instincts are our guides throughout this existence. They are our personal communication with our higher power. They always should be treasured and not ignored.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Writing is a timeless art form. Ever since the dawn of man, communication was a necessity and writing was utilized; probably even before other species used a form of writing, every written passage expresses an idea; and it is treasured, if not by the author, then by society as well as future generations.

Writing is communication put on paper. It last for as long as that paper or that system is upheld.


There is this land of colors. All the colors exist there. All hues are there as well. No violent intensions are ever there. If violent intentions ever surface they are immediately resolved.

These colors live in a state of bliss always and forever. They are one with each other. They never have any violence or struggles. Instead they just please others with their whole existence.

It’s a place where it would be wonderful to visit. The strange thing is we could be in this place always by just relaxing and taking it easy with life. We should take things as they come and not always preparing for the worst, just letting life take care of us. The only requirement to living there is to accept everything the way it is.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Attaining Peace

It is very hard to attain peace, especially because we do not know what we are looking for. We need to recognize this we need to strive for good intentions and harmonic values. These we can have a chance at receiving. It is very difficult to look for things that you do not know exist.

We should be looking for the goodness and harmonic values, for we are sure of their existence in this reality. In fact they are found in us all. They are found within us all because we are all born good. Good is the only issue that exists actually. However it is sometimes confused. This confusion of good is very powerful. It causes disagreement and violence. However, it also causes the powerful harmonic value of all life existing in reality.

Harmony is so important in life. It is of great value because without it, life could not exist. Similarly to mathematics where both positives and negatives have to exist, this harmonic value of life exists. We just have to realize that perception is what makes our world, which is based on individual’s pasts.

The past has a great deal of power on the present; therefore it has power over the future as well. Ignoring the past means you are not taking responsibility for your actions which is very irresponsible. This irresponsibility is from inexperience as well as unawareness. No one is to blame for this, but it has to be recognized in all, by all, before we eradicate ourselves.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Extra, Extra, Read All About It!

This just in: We make our own news. Everything does. There is no boring thing in existence that doesn’t find it doing something. Even when something dies it decays into something else. It is just some things have a fantastic disguise to cover up there growth.

Every time you answer someone with “I didn’t do anything,” you are misleading them and denying them the pleasure of hearing about your ongoing living adventure.
Everything is an adventure.

Form just sitting here and thinking to climbing the tallest mountain. The problem is that we don’t always view everything as an adventure. We always seem to be attaching positive and negative connotations to it. That makes the adventure seem more or less attractive. If someone has to do that task again, it would seem to them like a responsibility as well.

Talking Loud

We can speak louder than ignorance, however than we will only increase it. There is not a possibility to be louder, because softness kills ignorance.

Ignorance is dissembled by love. Love is quiet and sweet and may be passionate, however never loud. The only way to defeat misunderstandings is to be quiet and listen to them, then converse about them, keeping your temper and then relay your input quietly and calmly You should be heard but do not yell or that may get a argument going again. You have to be calm and patient until your opinion is heard and registered.

Otherwise you are not completing your interaction. If one speaks and it is not heard/ understood, neither communication nor interaction has taken place. it has to be accomplished so the effort you dispense will have to be.

Technology Advance

With the advances of all technology, the behaviors of criminals become more advanced as well; for example take identity theft and credit card fraud. Twenty years ago this stuff was not even imagined yet alone done. It would have been impossible for the common person to steal someone else’s identity, which was utterly unheard of.

Cyber crimes were unheard of before the internet became public also. With every advancement, there comes a great deal of deception. With great power comes great responsibility. This is undeniably true. The misuse of power leads to the destruction and chaos of structure. But out of chaos order always prevails you have to protect what you can, because life shall prevail. You cannot pick and choose your battles. Anything you can do, has to be done. Whether you are busy or not, you must try and help those who are in need, because they will help you in different ways.

The Great Sea of Life

Every day is like the ocean waves on the shore of reality. The adventure we partake in is the current flowing through the sea. It is sometimes bumpy, which causes our lives to go crazy. At other times it is calm, so our life is steady and at peace. You can change direction anytime you want; all that is needed is a vast current. However, it is very rare to change direction greatly when you are sleeping, unless you sleep walk or talk.

When anger enters a storm is brewing. Every action we take in life in reflected in The Great sea of Life. Emotions enhance the weather. Deeds are mirrored by the turbulence and speed we are going. If we believe we are thriving we go fast. Likewise, if we believe we are doing defectively we go slowly. Societal influences have no standings with us in this immense ocean that we call life. Since all lives are in this sea, the whole of society is observed the same way.

Societal structures are reflected by the boats that travel upon the sea. There is a varying separation of societies, unfortunately. Societies are on the sea because they are dependent on us. No matter what it says to you, it is dependent on you and others individuals like you, not the other way. You have the power; however it is very difficult to remember.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Fortunate is the key to fortunate lives. Life has has all these stresses that if you let them get you down, you rise to your full potential and not even have a point to exist. Meditation is one way to relax. There are a whole bunch of ways to relax. Relaxation techniques vary from form to sounds to action. They vary by religious or spiritual beliefs as well. Age also is a variable in relation techniques as well as the amount of time that is needed to do them and the frequency they need to be done.

Having too much structure in your life causes relation to disappear from existence. While it could be a good thing it also can be a bad thing as well. Good structure is mandatory in living a healthy fun and tranquil life. It also keeps you focused and increases your progression through this adventure of life. Progression leads to new opportunities as well as knowledge

Too much relaxation could be extremely dangerous as well. There won’t be any progress if there was a surplus relaxation. If there was a surplus of relaxation most structures would not be around anymore.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Courtesy has been blown out of proportion. Some courtesies preclude creative thinking. To good to be orderly, don’t get me wrong, to an extent, however too much order and you have chaos.

Anyway who are we really trying to impress, complete strangers, who will never see us again after we are finished there, friends that shouldn’t need to be impressed, or yourself who does not need impression either. They all will see and get to know the real you in time anyway .Why do we have such low opinions of ourselves and will not admit this even to ourselves. We have to all realize that before we can change something we have to accept it. This is easy to know, but hard to do.

One of the Great Curruption

If you dangle money in front of others this leads to corruption of people with weak personalities. Money, is very humorous for it corrupt some no matter how hard they try not to be corrupted, and does not corrupt others even if they want to be corrupted. What matters is the strength you have got and how you received this power. If people are truly strong and of good character money cannot grab hold them. Money can’t corrupt alone. It travels by and with vast lies which surround it.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


When you are interested in someone, why are we so scared of appearing interested in the object of our desire? Could it be because of rejection? However, how would we know if we are going to be rejected unless we take a risk and make our intentions known?

There are different types of attractions; friends, partners, or both. All of these attractions are crucial to live a full and complete life.

How to Attain Total Freedom

To be totally free you have to give up many things. One of the hardest things you have to give up is having a plan for every situation that life puts on your path. Just explore. No one is keeping score. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, what matter is the journey, as well as your appreciation of all until you reach your destination.

Another aspect that will help you is just to have the journey, but not to care where you end up. To just believe that you will end up in a good place is hard to do, however, it is mandatory in all your experiences.
In writing all these passages, I first have an inspirational thought, and then I do not make an outline or have a plan of attack or structure, I just write. Whatever I put down I am happy with. Whatever ideas of mine don’t make it to the paper, which is sad; I must believe that they will another time, which I am happy with. I am in total free writing mode. No outline or structure for me. No due dates or deadlines are given at all. In fact these writings are not part of any assignment or coursework.

Just my flow of ideas and that is all there is. Now I understand that we all cannot always do this, however by doing this it is a form of letting things; like anger and all out, so as to not go violent in the future. It is a coping mechanism. We need order and structure to survive right? I do not believe that’s the case, look at my blogs. I did not have any order or structure, just inspiration. You may say that is a special case. I do not believe so. Anyone can go on inspiration alone if they just try.

Inspiration is all that lead me. So why can it not lead you? It can. Don’t be afraid of it. One way to conquer fear is to ignore it. But then it just keeps growing and growing. You can do that. You have ignored your inspiration, not fully, but let it out when you see fit. That is not fair to yourself at all. Don’t keep it in chains until it shrivels up and dies. Let it out to flourish. To hell with society. Rules were made for one thing and one thing only, to be broken, so let you have some fun and bring chaos to order. I really doubt that anyone, but a few people, will be reading this, for it will be viewed as too civil disobedient or such. It is totally against control and for freedom of expression.

That is the only true freedom we have, freedom of thought and expression. It is good to get in trouble for this. That will bring more attention to that thought or that situation. You were given life and a free will, so you have the right to use them however you want.

If you want to break the rules and you want to be rebellious, than you’ll attain fame for that and you’ll go down in history with a whole story about your adventures in life. You may even have a book written on your life and a movie could follow.
However if you want to be a good person, who follows all the rules you will only get a small blurb in the history books. Nothing else. You won’t receive any noble prizes or any other awards or recognition. You’ll be viewed as an extra in the movie of life.

The choice is yours? You better make a choice sooner than later. If you take too long history will make it for you and it will be a passive nothing. No one wants to remember a nothing or worse yet be remembered as a nothing. Just someone who is taking up space is not good for any person’s soul.

Lost Item

Sometimes it is a good idea to take some time, before you look for something you lost. You shouldn’t go crazy right that second, but relax and be positive of what you are looking for in time, a few days or weeks later.

Do not put conditions on it, either. For example, don’t say if you don’t find it by this time you won’t be able to do so and so with me.

You shouldn’t overstress about lost item because time is a valuable commodity. So just relax and breathe and you will find the missing item soon.


Fashion should come after health. It seldom does though, however where would we be without health. We would be in the ground without it, that’s where we would be.

Fashion should not dictate our mood either. It really shouldn’t be of that much importance. However, we do live in a materialistic culture, so it is important. It shouldn’t be important because it is very superficial.

If we would not take fashion so seriously, our problems would be greatly reduced. Our stress level would also be reduced. We could put more focus on the issues that require more of our attention.

Another thing, people should not be required to wear specific things to certain events. We should have freedom to wear whatever we want. Now, don’t go out nude, but still your fashion is up to you, not up to an external source.

Friday, March 6, 2009


If we fear viruses, we can never defeat them. Whatever we resist persists. If we just accept diseases, and also accept that there is nothing we can do about them, they will just stop on there own.

If not total ignoring of the virus, we should at least diversify our focus to other aspects of life and other avenues of pursuit. By diversifing our focus we are letting our minds take a break from that problem and only that problem which will cause a breakthrough within the problem and there into getting a solution.

Monday, March 2, 2009


We are all very tired. We all need more sleep. Most of us are on the verge of collapse. We need more sleep. Scientifically it’s been proven. But yet we do not want to. That is most people’s way to control others. I don’t care if you are the perpetrator or not. You require at least 8 hours of sleep a night. For survival and peak efficiency we all need more sleep and need it fast. The consequences are bad. I don’t even want to tell you them, but we all know them. So sleep and let sleep.

Sleep is humorous. When you sleep you lose time in your life; however without it you don’t live as good a life as you can. You have to find the balance of sleep and being awake that fits in your life. This is extremely hard to do, because at every stage of life you require different amounts of sleep.

Babies and elderly people require more sleep. People in their twenties require a little more sleep then the youth. People that are people that are twenties to thirties require more sleep still. Disabled people require a lot of sleep the same as elderly and babies.

Basically you need more sleep if your body is growing. If your body has to fix itself you need more sleep also. However the recommended amount of sleep doesn’t change. It is always eight hours. But people seldom take recommendation seriously.
Elderly, babies and disabled as well as the people who have common sickness, not serious stuff need more sleep because their bodies are going through many changes.
People in their mid-life (20-40) require less sleep because their body usually isn’t going through much sleep, but if they could sleep they should take advantage. This is because they basically stay the same throughout this time in their life.

So the next time you your tired and need sleep, just think you had a wonderful day , and you will have a wonderful life and go to sleep.
Good Night….I’ll see you tomorrow.

Surviving the Never Adventure of Life

Life should also be known as the never adventure. There are events in life that you just don’t think you deserve. Who knows if you are? You have to deal with what you are given in life. Trying your best is OK but succeeding is excellent. Here is a story I have dealt with recently.

I guess I will never see the Amazon or Costa Rican Rainforest or visit the North Pole to see the Polar Bears because the friendship that I had with you is over.
At least I got to visit Disney World. Who knows, the future is not written yet so anything is possible. No matter how dismal it looks there is always hope. Hope may be small but at least it is there. The unlikely will happen some way, they always do. It always turns out better then we imagined. Our memories are really only made up of the good of life.

It’s funny that sadness is not as welcome as joy. They both are a part of growth. Growth is positive. So we should welcome sadness in and realize it has to get better, this adventurous tale of life we are on. Growth can hurt, what seems like more then it’s fair share. Look at it this way and always remember without pain you don’t get strong. So whatever doesn’t destroy you makes you a more powerful individual.

Strength is positive for then with it we can easily tread the waters of life. Wondrous treasures and even more tragedies, unfortunately, await our arrival in the coming chapters of our existence. The important thing is to get through them at the present moment, for if we do not the adventure could quite possibly end and besides who wants to be around bad energy forever or for a long time. I would rather just go through them, learn what I needed to learn, and then move to the future. It’s all up to you. Your strength, your wonder, your magnificence, is magnanimous; because we all have the power to get through this humorously screwed up existence. However this magical existence, still throws these situation in our path. We all shall survive, this, I’m sure. For we have dealt with all these obstacles before, and overcame them, even though they were in different situations.


Words can infect you mind. They are like a virus that infects your body, they may do harm or not depending on the strength of your body.

Thoughts are the equivalence to a disease.

Some people can even turn off parts of themselves as if they have a switch. This is a protective mechanism to keep us safe. However it sometimes prevents change as well. It is a chance either way.

Whatever you believe has a greater probability of success, you should take. You’re the judge; you are an individual with the right to decide after all. However when you are upset you shouldn’t take words seriously. You should look at the character of the person, see if that individual is like that or not, and then choose which path to take.