To be totally free you have to give up many things. One of the hardest things you have to give up is having a plan for every situation that life puts on your path. Just explore. No one is keeping score. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, what matter is the journey, as well as your appreciation of all until you reach your destination.
Another aspect that will help you is just to have the journey, but not to care where you end up. To just believe that you will end up in a good place is hard to do, however, it is mandatory in all your experiences.
In writing all these passages, I first have an inspirational thought, and then I do not make an outline or have a plan of attack or structure, I just write. Whatever I put down I am happy with. Whatever ideas of mine don’t make it to the paper, which is sad; I must believe that they will another time, which I am happy with. I am in total free writing mode. No outline or structure for me. No due dates or deadlines are given at all. In fact these writings are not part of any assignment or coursework.
Just my flow of ideas and that is all there is. Now I understand that we all cannot always do this, however by doing this it is a form of letting things; like anger and all out, so as to not go violent in the future. It is a coping mechanism. We need order and structure to survive right? I do not believe that’s the case, look at my blogs. I did not have any order or structure, just inspiration. You may say that is a special case. I do not believe so. Anyone can go on inspiration alone if they just try.
Inspiration is all that lead me. So why can it not lead you? It can. Don’t be afraid of it. One way to conquer fear is to ignore it. But then it just keeps growing and growing. You can do that. You have ignored your inspiration, not fully, but let it out when you see fit. That is not fair to yourself at all. Don’t keep it in chains until it shrivels up and dies. Let it out to flourish. To hell with society. Rules were made for one thing and one thing only, to be broken, so let you have some fun and bring chaos to order. I really doubt that anyone, but a few people, will be reading this, for it will be viewed as too civil disobedient or such. It is totally against control and for freedom of expression.
That is the only true freedom we have, freedom of thought and expression. It is good to get in trouble for this. That will bring more attention to that thought or that situation. You were given life and a free will, so you have the right to use them however you want.
If you want to break the rules and you want to be rebellious, than you’ll attain fame for that and you’ll go down in history with a whole story about your adventures in life. You may even have a book written on your life and a movie could follow.
However if you want to be a good person, who follows all the rules you will only get a small blurb in the history books. Nothing else. You won’t receive any noble prizes or any other awards or recognition. You’ll be viewed as an extra in the movie of life.
The choice is yours? You better make a choice sooner than later. If you take too long history will make it for you and it will be a passive nothing. No one wants to remember a nothing or worse yet be remembered as a nothing. Just someone who is taking up space is not good for any person’s soul.