How much water can someone drink? No one knows, do they? My point is there are many unknowns throughout life. Why even is life in existence? Through time, we will figure it out somehow. Then I ask why there are so many wars in the world. There is not enough trust.
Trust in yourself, that is the easy part. But trusting others, now there’s a difficult path to cross. How come the trust is so fragile between adults, when with children it is so magnificently huge? It takes more than one to build a house does it not? Although it does take more than one to build a house, it takes more than one to make it home.
What if home was just an illusion though, and the deeper you go the more interesting the ride becomes. It is in essence like reading a book to a child or even seeing a movie. If the title won’t interest you, you do not just toss it, you research it and maybe you will find it of some interest.
However what would happen if the more and more research you did the more problems you would get. Then you will let others know. Then if you and others cannot figure it out, what would happen to the problem. It would probably dissipate in the minutia of life. What if a problem was so complex that you alone could solve it, however no one asked your opinion.
That would be unfortunate right. It will be a real shame to live a life where no one took you seriously until almost the end of your life. Understanding, if anything is, the essence of life.