Saturday, September 12, 2009


How much water can someone drink? No one knows, do they? My point is there are many unknowns throughout life. Why even is life in existence? Through time, we will figure it out somehow. Then I ask why there are so many wars in the world. There is not enough trust.

Trust in yourself, that is the easy part. But trusting others, now there’s a difficult path to cross. How come the trust is so fragile between adults, when with children it is so magnificently huge? It takes more than one to build a house does it not? Although it does take more than one to build a house, it takes more than one to make it home.

What if home was just an illusion though, and the deeper you go the more interesting the ride becomes. It is in essence like reading a book to a child or even seeing a movie. If the title won’t interest you, you do not just toss it, you research it and maybe you will find it of some interest.
However what would happen if the more and more research you did the more problems you would get. Then you will let others know. Then if you and others cannot figure it out, what would happen to the problem. It would probably dissipate in the minutia of life. What if a problem was so complex that you alone could solve it, however no one asked your opinion.
That would be unfortunate right. It will be a real shame to live a life where no one took you seriously until almost the end of your life. Understanding, if anything is, the essence of life.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Attraction and Freewill

Be them laws or rules does not matter, both need to be followed as well as excepted plus accepted. Life is always magnificent; the value sometimes changes in the expression, but give it time and it will clear.Life is always of great value no matter how we view it; as well as how others view it as long as we share our adventures, as much as possible.

Life is not bounded by anything. However it can be affected; by understanding, but we have to understand that it should be fun for the person living it if not by a group. We are all people, after all, and we want to achieve knowledge.

We all have to be focus, if not the unknown might occur. But if we have enough trust we can relax easier. If we mistrust we do not, almost ever relax. Confusing as it may be all rules or laws work together. It's trust that may be one of the most important rules, may be approved or not, by the public thought.

More and more, we live and find these rules but as long as we're entertained, as well we shall, survive.Memory is important but pros and cons are important as well. Making a choice is always important, but it is always important, to make that. Lifes adventures are all extremely important. However views may change constantly.You cannot ever satisfy everyone at all. Distraction is all the more important.

It is gaining levels of value. You just have to understand. Sometimes this level changes in seeing or in making the truth come through to existence.Agreement is essential as well as everything. Only to a certain extent though, if that could be possible. Life is above all confusing however it is all important on different levels, as long as the meaning is great.

Still in order good , craziness leads to problems, let hope in whatever you believe. You must have great belief in yourself as well as other..the main point have this by you no matter what an get attention if you have any questions?


Forgiveness is good but it gets higher when more people practice it.

Perceptively being forgiven is good. However it is better if there where were groups practicing it. Forgiveness being a contagion is possibly the best.

However forgiveness is such a important aspect that it has to be practiced globally.

However what if you felt this way on an individual level. If there was a problem internally with anything, that in itself will be difficult any group to handle, that is how we all feel on a global level.

Being good perceptual is one thing, it goes deeper than that. If that would be the case, then the whole world would be OK.

However what if there was a deeper problem, originally.

Being Punctual

Which do you want being punctual or relaxing in sleep as well as play? This question unlike many, and is more haunting then most always and forever?

The answer could mean more; then you know to you, as well as the people, or living entities, close to you. Look at any living orifice, and ask yourself that if you are not sure. It takes time to realize this truth, but it has great value in all.

If you have a question ask freely and accept the answer, even if it doesn't make 100 percent total sense, just listen then to the sounds of the voice you hear and do not get distracted.

Believe that they are not trying to persuade you because they are not. Even if they are, does it matter? The time is yours after all; you can spend it however you like.

You could spend it imagining new ideas or not. Nothing matters but the present. You will get to all you deem necessary in life, whenever you choose. If you do not, it was not of value to you.


Different brains differ in extraordinary ways. We don't know all the answers though. That is the point of living. Identity is the point of all life. Rescuing is a point of identity.

Belief in all life is the point of all existence. Mistakes are necessary in all life, no matter what.

Without mistakes we will have no need for anything else. They help us more then they hurt us. You just can learn an exuberant amount by making mistakes rather than not.

We have not got a clue what the brain does or how this thing called life is, however we do think we know that life is like exist but grander.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

True Friends

True Friends are so hard to come by, so rare, so special. They all have their down falls, however through it all, there are so attuned to each other it is marvelous to be in their company. You look forward to getting out of bed and seeing their smiling face.

Even if you talk to them from time to time, and share you smiles with them. You should always stay in contact no matter what you do with your life.

For if you don’t and go astray, your ideas will not connect. You will end up not losing only a friend, even worse a companion in this race. For it is labeled the human race for some other reason than that we all share our humanity, as a commonality, but so much more.

Who will find the reason first? Does it really matter? Of course it does not correct. Then, why may I ask are we fighting so? For respect, land, or power, is that clear enough? I sure hope it is.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


A smile is as good as gold. However when it is shared it is contagious. Laughter is better than anything when shared.

The world has got to philosophically serious to show the people that simply laughter can solve any problems more than anything. It is so powerful that if not spread or shared problems will occur.

Laughter is getting so vital it is becoming so bad that stupidity is getting more attention than anything else. Come on, just laugh, I dare you. Laugh at all you problem. If they do not go away, than you, really have a serious issue to resolve.

No one laughing makes a problem, no matter how insignificant worse.
Communicational speaking, it only get worse if you are not amused at times.
But that in it of itself, you have to spread the laughter then you get the full effect.

All work and no play will have a worldly effect, rather than an individually seen effect. It's just the simplicity of it all, which always astounds me. No explanation can make me frown in my life at all, even the biggest transition level of all the possibilities of all.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Laws, rules, ideals. There is time for all. If we are organized we all could through all.

It is so confusing, but we have to make the best of it, so organization is necessary as well as trust is important and also we have to express all as well as other forms.

The understanding as well as confusion is necessary as well as temporal phenomenon is relevant. My point is time. Is confusing is it and all.

However relevant it is not always appropriate. So what's the hurry in answering that question.

Knowledge is the point of all this confusion. Historically proven it may be chaotic, but its a rule that has worked in the past.

So just express yourself somehow. Follow your belief in the proper information and all, that's the point of living. To try new things always, express somehow so you ideals could make it

Technological Ideas

Attracted to technological ideas more then anything else, for ideas are good and technologies good, but explanation is better, however sleep sometimes which is necessary takes precedence.

I'm explaining human condition is what it means to be human. We are all so confused, but of what? Ideas I'm not sure, pain?

How to express ideas.

It's like someone is so confused but has no idea why? They can express some but not all of their ideas at once.

At the same time a stop watch is going and they have no idea how to express that either.The longer they have the more ideas they have, but the ideas are not and/or will not stop.

It is very much like a computer. You do not know how to do one thing, but know how to solve it, however you are not sure it is the best way to solve it. But what you set out to solve has a temporary bandage on it.

At the same time as that the adhesive is getting thin the problem get more worse.

It is really getting overwhelming you do not know where to turn. However you end up solving it because your belief formed. But you are not sure still, if your belief will cover the problem. However you still want to solve the problem, you just need a specific tool and a person to guide you through and believe that it will work.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Eye are mirrors not only to the soul although it can change from time to time. However, true it is the level can change, if you believe in miraculous things.

Some people can change, if given the chance; faster then others, although there are more then a couple changes, we all do at one time or another. Belief, and even hope may be of great necessary value in this.

For sight is possible wherever we are and in all we do, instinct is necessary more then you know. Knowledge is also present in our knowing of everything as well as trust.

Sight being the most relevant sense now, as well as always, that leads to a great mess of problems. Ask your questions however also think real well.

This may all seem out of the ordinary. Belief is necessary to prove this as anything. Belief is mandatory in all that we do. For belief is all and will bring everything, slowly but it will.


Communication is getting a little harder to achieve. Think for yourself and allow others to do the same. Except you just have to believe. You know action are important. However some are not taken as importantly as they should be. This makes people mad because repression of memories are available. There are many different ways to let out this repression. Writing is one of the best ways to let it all out.