Monday, June 29, 2009


Being a caregiver is the most rewarding, however also the toughest job that you
can under take. It is of great pleasure when your child or person that you are
taking care of behaves and does what he is told, however when things don't go as
well as they should that is when the real action starts taking place.

All the real excitement of life is around the conflict we partake in. These lead
to growth as well as death. You can not have one without the other. All the
positives cannot exist without the negative. Good behavior can't exist without

Sunday, June 28, 2009

You’re Choice

Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It's your choice how you live life. It’s your choice and no one can take that away from you.

Que Sara Sara

Whatever will be, will be.

In order for that to be true you have to practice some relaxation. We need to, as if your life depends on it, because it very well does.

We all need to choose our battles in life to the wisest ability that we can. We have to accept that we cannot do everything. In order to do anything we need to get to that place where the anything exists. We all need to practice some variously renowned patience with every spirit on Earth, especially ourselves. You have the most miraculous spiritual potential that just has to be discovered by you, the one in charge of your life and well being.

Potential is good and all, but we need to create change with that potential to improve our way of life. It all comes down to a choice we always have every nano-second of every day. Do I trust myself?

Honesty is another key issue that affects mostly everything. If you are not honest with yourself, how can you expect anyone to be honest with you.

You will get the most out of your life if you are both honest as well as truthful with every living thing. You will gain respect as well as what ever else you desire. You will find everything you are looking for if only you have the belief that you can be and are patient.

You will find many things with patience rather than stress.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


All of us have anxiety. What is important is how we deal with it. There are those who prefer to lecture. Thus getting all they want out at once.

There are then those who prefer to take things slow and move at a moderate pace throughout the communication of life.

Both ways of dealing with life are superb. Arguments that occur have to be dealt with as soon as possible or they will get worse. We should handle things as conversationalist, because we were given speech for a reason. Whatever the reason was it was not to cause more arguments or worse between ourselves.


To live a long, healthy, prosperous, life relaxation must be a part of it in.
Really to keep living you just have to relax. You have to live according to your rules and hopefully society will accept you as a member. If you are a strong spirit you can live according to your own rules. Society will know you as a trail blazer, because you are leading people down a path to greatness. For it all is great, the thing we achieve in our life, in the future time it will be viewed as a great cause.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Extremely Musical

Music is one of the great powers within life. It even has the power to save lives. Its rhythmic composition can do wonders in anything that it touches. To prove this you can listen to the excitement within the musical compositions of orchestras.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Pushing the Limits

You have to be careful with chance. You can only do so much? But how much should
you let yourself do?

You can only answer that for yourself. That's what makes life fun as well as
scary. Risk taking and rule breaking are significant areas of a life lived to
the fullest.

A life lived to the fullest is a guaranteed success. It may not be
conventionally successful, but it is full of new thoughts; which is of greater
magnificence. Live life, break the rules; but break them slowly to avoid grave

Consequences lead to a greater level of action. Through them we gain the
foundation for greatness. They lead to new accomplishments through new thought
which lead to a foundation of excellence.

This accumulation of excellence is influential to the extreme on others. It
causes new ideas to be in formation through validation of excellent thoughts.


Is passion good? Or is passion bad? No wonder we are all in a state of confusion. We all need to recognize that, not ignore it.

Only then can we solve our dilemmas. This is not new. It is very common, however not always followed.

Would you like the future to have a future? Of course we all do. So why fight battles that do not need to be thought. We should all just fight the fights that need to be fought. The ones that can no be solved any other way. We all should abide by this so forth encouraging the existence of life.

Future and Past

We all our connected. All of us are eternal. Some of us have a sense that connects us to the previous generations. We are connected to the future as well.

The soul is eternal because energy is never wasted. Life never depletes. Some have a recollection of their past, and some do not, but we all have to be open to this and believe that it exists.

Fun Life

Life is supposed to be fun? Then why do some prefer not to? There is only one that is watching. That is, oh that is another writing.

Anyway, don't you think that the watcher, that you believe, is more interested in how you live your life, then what you do in it. So if this is true, we should all try and relax as much as possible. Now I am not saying there should not be any rules, I am simply saying that it is possible that we all went overboard with making too many rules. I understand that clarity is an important aspect of life, but do we always live a simple, wholesome life?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

It’s a Strange Life

Life is so unique. Society encourages you to be individuals, however only to a limit. If you overpass this limit, they lock you up, punishing you in some way. That is so odd, but that is only when you are an adult, when you are a youth children tease, ridicule and physically fight with one another, giving authorities a hard time.

These sorts of behaviors cannot be solved without much effort. To start with you need to have tolerance and acceptance be taught throughout society. This will lead to a better understanding of the world.
It’s our whole outlook on life; that when something does not work, either fix or replace it. Those are the only two options we see or care to see. There are more options if we take the time to look. We ignore the plethora of other available methods of dealing. Perhaps if we left it alone for a while it will fix itself.
No we are in too much of a hurry, way too busy for the likes of that. Aren’t we? We’re only racing to nowhere. That race is already lifelong. So what is another brief second or so, in order to improve the quality of life for a fellow human being? Slow down, you may save a life, even your own.


Everyone does their best with what has been given to them. Having that belief, among others, makes it easier to practice forgiveness as well as live a full and prosperous life.

This is of immense importance because one needs to be able to do whatever they desire, and are capable of, throughout their existence in this reality. It is of great importance to experience the most and grandest adventures that you are capable of experiencing sooner than later. Life is fleeting, only today is for sure.
Honoring the rules put onto you by another is of some good, however when these rules interfere as well as limit your freedoms, which may conflict with your purpose: or it could encompass your purpose enlarging it. For example someone may steal some food to feed their family. If that person was out of work, who is at fault? Is the structure of order to blame?

For every action, there are vast amounts of reactions. Every occurrence has many different reasons for happening as well. As it does have also have different causes which can change the output of the given reality. There is no plain simple truth for anything, as you yourself are made up of many variables to the extreme, so is everything and everyone as well. That’s life, that is extremely complex.


What should we do with all the waste we produce? We could produce as little as possible, but we cannot stop it all together.

We could keep using the waste until there is nothing left. We could make a recycler which reuses the waste till it’s all gone.

It’s extremely possible to figure this one out because of all the human ingenuity we have attained throughout our existence. Hopefully we will figure it out before this planet turns into a heap of garbage.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Every thought creates vibrations. Vibrations are sound waves also radiation produces them. No obstacle or hurdle could ever stop them.

There are many different vibratory causes. Some are intentional, and some are not. The most common one is the vocal vibration that we all produce when we breathe, talk, or sing. Singing is the way to see the most effect from vibrations.

There are also vibrations that happen outside ourselves. The most commonly known is earthquakes. These are vibratory patterns on a great scale. There are smaller patterns as well. For example every second of every day the earth rotates and vibrations occur. Throughout your life unbeknownst to you, you are riding on this globe so big you can’t even see.

Mountain and valleys are produced from these. Volcanic eruptions are the violence that incurs as well. These happen daily on the globe as well as around every single star you see. The stars are suns and around them are tons of planets. These planets all have vibratory patterns as well.


Being forced is not always bad. Think about it, if we were not forced we wouldn’t be where we are today. It takes a lot of forcing to form a huge movement. You have to encourage people to agree with your views so that they can be receptive to your cause.

You do not want to blindly lead people, to some summit, for if you do you won’t have equal participation. No one to converse with, you will be all alone, we are social animals. We crave socialization. So do not force your way in, because you may be forced out.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Life is politics.

I choose not to listen to politics. I'm pretty good at not listening or paying attention to political advertisements. I don't because it would affect my world to much. I prefer to live my life with as few outer induced headaches as possible. My stance in political advocacy is as original as i could get it. My free time is spent by listening to music as well as everything else instead.

I simply adore music. Music is in a sense, is a form of politics, Music helps freely form your opinion, rather than the spoken word of the political wheel. It in essence, helps form your opinion as sub-consciously as consciously.