Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Here are ways that will relieve you from stress in 5 minutes:

• When you are working, stop thinking about when you will complete the work. If you do that, surprisingly you will complete the work even before your expected time of completion. More over, you will be very much satisfied with your work. You will instantly feel light and happy.

• When someone is talking to you, give all your ears. Yes, I know, it is a strain but you will master the art of listening attentively and you will also learn how to stop the conversation without hurting anyone.

• Another important area for stress is lack of money or shortage of money. Let me tell you one thing: You will not be able to solve your financial problem by worrying about it. Do not spoil your family and business relationship by always wearing that financial worry on your whole body and focusing on your family and official commitments.

• Music is the best stress reliever. Drop everything you are doing and listen to music for a few minutes.

• Dig out your marriage album from the attic and glance through it.

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