Sunday, April 25, 2010

Free Your Mind

You have no idea the wonder and magnificence you can achieve by letting go of the self-induced restriction that we call intellectual boundaries. That is precisely what magician and other sorcerers were trying to get across in their own humble ways. If you free your mind, it is implied that the rest will follow.

You are not bound by anything, so why are you so afraid to wonder and create. If you remain open you can achieve magnificence as well as such wondrous enlightened wonders.

Remain open to anything and everything and you will achieve glorious attributes. The whole is not yet discovered, and it probably would never be. That is what the adventure of is to all that remain open to it.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Forget to Forget

Remember to forget, but don’t forget to forget! Most of all don’t forget to remember. Remember the thoughts and moments to bring joy and positivity. Life is best when reset to begin each day fresh and unencumbered by the trials of the past. The negatives need positive energy to dilute their clouding each moment. Remember to chip away at negatives and allow them to lose energy. Never forget to remember the good memorable moments letting the best forgotten moments have less influence.

The following is a simple meditation exercise to reset the mind and heart:

Lie down on your back. Keep your eyes closed and breathe in, visualizing great light

entering from your head into your body, as if a sun has just risen close to your head - golden light pouring into your head. Be hollow and the golden light is pouring into your head, and going, going, going, deep, deep, and going out through your toes. When you breathe out, visualize another thing: darkness entering through your toes, a great dark river entering through your toes, coming up, and going out through the head. Do slow, deep breathing, so you can

visualize. Go very slowly.

Breathing in, let golden light come into you through your head, the golden light is waiting to cleanse your whole body and will make it absolutely full of creativity. This is male energy. Then when you exhale, let darkness, the darkest you can conceive, like a dark night, riverlike, come from your toes upwards - this is feminine energy, it will sooth you, it will make you receptive, and calm you, it will give you rest - and let it go out of the head. Then inhale again, and golden light enters in. Do it for twenty minutes early in the morning.

And the second best time is when you are going back to sleep, at night. Lie down on the bed, relax for a few minutes. When you start feeling that you are wavering between sleep and waking, just in that middle, start the process again and continue for twenty minutes. If you fall asleep doing it, it is best, because the impact will remain in the subconscious and will go on working.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Here are ways that will relieve you from stress in 5 minutes:

• When you are working, stop thinking about when you will complete the work. If you do that, surprisingly you will complete the work even before your expected time of completion. More over, you will be very much satisfied with your work. You will instantly feel light and happy.

• When someone is talking to you, give all your ears. Yes, I know, it is a strain but you will master the art of listening attentively and you will also learn how to stop the conversation without hurting anyone.

• Another important area for stress is lack of money or shortage of money. Let me tell you one thing: You will not be able to solve your financial problem by worrying about it. Do not spoil your family and business relationship by always wearing that financial worry on your whole body and focusing on your family and official commitments.

• Music is the best stress reliever. Drop everything you are doing and listen to music for a few minutes.

• Dig out your marriage album from the attic and glance through it.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Why Invest in Laughter?

It is impossible to worry while you're laughing. Humor cuts stress levels in half. Laughing helps you to stay happy and healthy and helps you return to good health when ill. Laughter increases, by 20%, the activity of killer cells within the body which serve to destroy viruses and tumor cells. Train yourself to look for the comedy in your chaos. A sense of humor is the number one survival skill.

George Bernard Shaw once said, "When you find something funny search it for hidden truth."

"The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the



Humor helps us cope, conquer, and carry on. A good laugh is not only the result of humor; it is often also the cause. The body heals with play, the mind heals with laughter and the spirit heals with joy. The best exercise is jumping for joy.

"Joy is the serious business of heaven."

C.S. Lewis.

We begin to solve our problems when we begin to see the humor in them.

"Time spent laughing is time spent with the gods."

Japanese proverb.

When we feel like laughing the least , we need it most. If it feels good to laugh, then laugh to feel good. A sense of humor is not inherited, it is learned.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Off Limits Communication

There are no limits to an open, healthy communication. Open communication assumes ‘no double jeopardy’ involved which means when honest communication is exercised between one to another, there is always assumed to be the most positive response forthcoming. In the courts of law, one can’t be tried for the same offense twice. In open communication there never is an offense. In an ‘on and off communication’ that serves one or the other to withhold information, there is ‘full jeopardy potential!

In high conscious partnering’s or marriages, two people endlessly merge with all emotion and information in harmony with each other. ‘Limited Partnerships’, as used in Wall St. lingo, mean in relationships that their are unspoken limits to certain information. When two people agree that it’s best to withdraw certain information, at least there is a consensual agreement. So called ‘understood limited communication’ is not sufficient communication for a harmonious connection. Couples frequently find themselves ‘dug into a hole’ of reluctant survival often kept in the ‘hole’ because of fear or the courage to

move in an upward direction. Moving upward may upset a comfort level even if the best choice.

There are never ‘guilty parties’ in open communication. Agreeing to disagree compensates for the temptation to withhold information that the other should know. Full uninhibited love solves all communication problems. Fractures in ‘love connections’ are mendable but rarely fixed. Conditional love is the norm in all but a rare few in marriages and love affairs. Maturing internally is to love the self and being able to manifest it with another. Maturing in the ‘outer world’ has nothing to do with ‘internal maturation’.

Females in relationships have no reason to not communicate except when the other chooses to have a closet for secrets of the mind, body, and emotions. Likewise, males don’t either, but in reality hold the ‘lever to communication’ and usually choose not to ‘lay all the cards on the table’ due to failures of self love. Success in relationships that are ‘standards for the human peaks of conscious relationships for the world to see’ are always ones in full communication and love. ‘A failure to communicate’ just needs a ‘let go’ into full love.