Living life unexpectedly is different from living an unexpected life. One is living for the unexpected where as the other is letting the unexpected take control of your life and your reality. We always have to be careful to keep positive control within this life as well as all others we may affect.
Is any of life serious? Only because it just seems our attention shifts so fast, dealing is getting so much more difficult. Manipulation is a very important aspect. It has to be carefully used, for simplicity will get us nowhere. Everyone can do more than no one.
We all have potential. Carefully used this for vast degrees of success, which you have the energy for achieving. Perception is reality, so it does lead to success, your own success, even if it doesn’t match up with realities.
Life is full of distracting distractions which stand in the way of the things that we want. To overcome these, we should follow our purpose and follow the ones we want
to lead us to our destination.
There are only paths in life, no distraction. If you think you are distracted maybe you are going down the wrong path. Do not be embarrassed to change paths, the tragedy is if you don’t change and get to the destination you don’t like.