Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Predictions of anything are quite difficult. In order to make an accurate prediction you have to be able to see a person’s true spirit.
When you know your true self or spirit, you discover that there is a practical good in all, which reduces the personal pressure that you yourself put on to the only person you can which is yourself. When you discover this power you hold within you can do immeasurable things because you take away the one thing that blocks you form being happy yourself imposed guilt and fear.
You can make anything you want out of whatever you got and you will discover this once you free your mind and let go of the fear and the doubt that restrict you.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Wisdom can form at any time

Wisdom is a humorous complexity. It usually forms with age, however it does not require growth. Sometimes the finer something gets the less wise it becomes.

Wisdom can occur at any time throughout life. It can take place at the beginning of life. Some musicians as well as composers got their start early. Music is a very simple art form to become gifted in since it is so harmonious. However the creative wisdoms are not very profitable in many societies. Why do you suppose this is?

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Don’t take things so seriously. Also do not be concerned with who’s right or who’s wrong. Just be concerned with living your life to the fullest that it can be lived, which you determine.
Security is a wonderful. However it is possible that too much security may prevent some creativity as well as some independents.

With so much security it would also put across the message that the people are always living in fear. Change cannot happen as fast with fear and that puts a real restraint on some that want change. The fastest way to get a bandage off is to pull it off quickly even though it causes excruciating pain.

The alternative is hurting a little for a longer time. Change is similar to that bandage and it is self-imposed security, or too much of it, covering freedom.

Guides to Life

Order and Structure are meant to be guides. They are not meant to be adhered to at all times. Creativity would suffer if you adhered to them at all times. They are of the most value if they are put to use in moderation. For if we set them free with no guard the ramifications could be ultimate chaos or micromanagement to the extreme. They would take place both personally as wee as sociological depending on how far they spread or how they are or become.

Having some order is a good thing. Too much however becomes troublesome. Creating a standstill in personal freedom tends to be the consequence of this. This also leads to fear of or lack of total personal, both extra as well as intra freedoms and expressions.

Freedom Quest

The freedom quest is summed up by life energy always finds itself under control by something enterer to it. This quest is a never ending struggle for all that is alive... when several life energies get free and join together their happiness is short lived. Pretty soon struggle starts emerging within the free group and another group breaks off. This happens all the time in all life formation.